Passive Skills and Pet Learning

Pet passive skills are found in the pet tree

Each pet has 4 passive skill trees, a base tree, and 3 more trees that are unlocked after pet upgrade:

  • Basic - 11 pet skill points

  • I upgrade - 8 pet skill points

  • II upgrade - 7 pet skill points

  • III upgrade - 6 pet skill points

  • IV upgrade - 2 pet skill points

Depending on the skills that you learn in the pet tree, the type of pet and its further improvement are determined.

It is important to correctly allocate pet skill points to obtain the desired result.

In case of incorrect distribution of skill points, you can use

Fantasy powder that resets the pet's skill tree.

You can reset the extreme evolution tree (does not reset previous evolutions)

Select the pet whose tree you want to study:

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