viking pirate

Location: Ancient Pirates Cave Level 1

I don't have a name. I'm just an old pirate who spent many years plundering and robbery...\ You're not afraid of me? Well, if you want to know more about me, I'll give you the opportunity.

Stage I

Redemption I

For thousands of years they live by robbery and robbery. They kill, steal, rape... They spend their lives filled with darkness and malice in a terrible place called the Cave of Ancient Pirates.\ I want to atone for my heinous deeds... All sins cannot be washed away, but I trying to put an end to the atrocities of the pirates, hoping that this will atone for at least a small part of my guilt...\ Will you help me? The monsters in these places are very strong, it is not easy to deal with them alone.\ Destroy snimils, lobsters , deep sea fish. Total must be destroyed 5000 monsters.

I beg you!

Redemption I

It is necessary to destroy a total of 5000 monsters:

Shot Lobster Deep sea fish

They live in Cave of Ancient Pirates at lvl 1.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. A small amount of experience

Thank you for listening to my request. Please take care of yourself.

Stage II

Redemption II

Thank you! Destroying the deep-sea fish is truly heroic.\ Now we need to take the weapons from the pirates. Without weapons, these villains can't do anything!\ If you deal with Viking pirates and robbers, you will get bloodied pirate weapons. Gather and bring me 250 food. of this weapon.

Redemption II

Need to get:

Bloody Pirate Weapon

from monsters:

Viking pirate Robber soldier

They live in Cave of Ancient Pirates at lvl 1.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. A small amount of experience

Thank you for listening to my request. Please take care of yourself.

Stage III

Redemption III

My soul will be at peace only if we destroy the pirates! Not all of them, of course, but at least one of these scoundrels must pay for their atrocities.\ There is only one detail that worries me... If you go to 2nd floor of the Pirate Cave,\ meet a remorseful pirate like me there.

I think he would also like to be forgiven. Will you find him?\ Remember, you need to find the cowardly pirate butcher ****.

Redemption III

You need to find Cowardly Pirate Butcher, which is located on level 2 of the Cave of the Ancient Pirates.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. A small amount of experience

You don't have to come to me anymore. Try to find Cowardly Pirate Butcher on the 2nd floor.

Last updated