<Исследователь печати> Ellien

Location: Dark Caves Sealed Zone Level 5

Have you seen _an angel dressed in white_roaming these gloomy dungeons? For our explorers who have not seen the sun for years, it is like a ray of hope.

Save! Help! I'm still so young!\ I'm not even married... Am I really going to disappear here?

Thank you for saving me! Hunting dogs nearly ripped me apart!

Tarel is_warrior. And there are many glorious heroes among his friends.\ My name is _Illion_. fragments*. But suddenly the monsters surrounded me...\ And at that very moment you appeared! I want to study these _stone fragments better**_. Could you help me?

Stage IV

Voice from Deep Darkness IV

I can rely on you! I know about people, haha!\ These stone fragmentsseem to be an integral part of **organism **monsters. I would like to investigate this phenomenon. \ Please, destroy monsters in the vicinity of and get Abraded Stone Shards.

Voice from Deep Darkness IV

Need to get:

Worn Stone Shard

from monsters:

Blue Witch Nightmare of Fear Blood Hunter Guard Hunter Guard Hunter Hound

They live in Sealed Zone of the Dark Caverns lvl 5.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. ![](https://revolgc.pro/data/items/item/71692.png" alt=""> A small amount of experience

Just what you need! Thank you very much.\ Here is my gift. Please accept it as a token of gratitude.\ I have a talent for such things... Created this item in inspiration. So, this is my creation.\ I'm so pleased with it. Why are you looking at me like that?\ I'll go back to the village and examine these stone fragments. I'm not sure that I will unravel the essence of this phenomenon.\ However, why not... We must hope for the best!

Last updated