
<Gendelij Rafelt>

Ho ho... Am I delusional? It seems that my mind has gone haywire from constant battles with monsters... Are you really not here? Did I dream?

ABOUT! If you are not my dream, then you must save me! You were sent by Roksana? You are very timely. If you'd been a little late, I'd be dead already. If you defeated the giants, then you can also deal with manticores, which are called demons of darkness. No matter how many you kill them, they still appear again. Hm... You say you're looking for a hero? First, help me destroy manticore! I ask you to!

Beginning of the End

1 Englan's task:

It is necessary to destroy the following monsters: Manticore 1000 pcs.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. A small amount of experience

  2. Ruler's Reward 140 pcs.

  3. Coin bag (10 pcs.) 1 pc.

Oh, because of the manticores, I can't collect my thoughts at all. Have you destroyed manticore?

Strange... No matter how much I fight with them, I cannot harm them, but they are powerless before you ... Manticores are monsters made from flesh... A mere mortal can't defeat them... This is where the hero power comes in... Hm... You say you're looking for a hero?

(Anglan looks at you and starts writing something quickly on paper.)

I can't leave this place because of the manticores. Please deliver this message to Tarin in the village.

Taryn is called the spiritual leader of the servant school of Ikron. Give him this message and he will answer you. Hurry back to the village of Roden

The birth of a new hero

Englan's 2nd task:

It is necessary to take Englando's letter to the village Roden to Tarina

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. A small amount of experience

  2. Coin bag (10 pcs.) 1 pc.

  3. Superior Sword of Victory Ikron x1 (use period 30 days)

  4. Superior Combat Sword Ikron x1 (use period 30 days)

  5. Superior Ikron Dagger x1 (use period 30 days)

  6. Superior Ikron Bow x1 (use period 30 days)

  7. Superior Orb Ikron x1 (use period 30 days)

Last updated