
<Descendant of Grihentel>

On what business did you come to me? So you say that you were sent from Guild _ by Gendelius Rafelt?_ I miss them so much... But why are they looking for me in the Gendelia guild?

Wow... So you think that I am this hero... Although Grihentel's blood flows in my veins ****, I can't boast of special heroism. You see, I'm just a girl who studies plants. But since you've found me here, I'll share something with you.

Plants are sincere. And they will tell the whole truth if you are kind to them. Destroy ancient and take from them pieces of living wood. Let's go ahead! From these pieces of wood I will make a _hero finder_that will lead you to the real hero.

Hero discovery

1 task of Ebina:

Need to get:

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

You have brought the necessary materials. Now we need to wait a bit. You need to make a wish and connect pieces of wood together. And now you must cast a spell, and your thoughts must be pure at the same time. Repeat after me: "Shumballa-aykum"! You need to shout out loud!

OK it's all over Now! This _hero finder_made from pieces of wood will lead you to the hero itself. (Looks like you should follow the Q designation...) Here's your hero finder.

lake of time

Ebina's 2nd task:

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

Last updated