<Заклинатель пламени> fireball

Location: Sealed Zone Fire Tower Level 5

I'm searching for the spirit of fire. My task is to find out what is stronger: a storm or a flame.

You came to me?

The shining priests caused me a lot of inconvenience.

You were sent by Molnis? Has he succeeded in his research? Sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself.\ My name is Fireball. Truth be told, I can't help but agree that a storm was the source of the fire, but...\ It seems to me that not only the storm has such crushing power. After all, it was because of her that the fire god Ifrit was sealed.\ My goal is to find out which has more power: the flame or the storm. Local monsters exude the spirit of fire. \ It would be great if you dealt with them and brought me the spirit of fire. Then I could begin to study the flames of the destruction of worlds.

Stage IV

Symphony of Fire and Storm IV

Thank you for agreeing to help me. Flame of Worldfall can be obtained by killing monsters in the Sealed Zone of the Tower of Fire. The monsters here contain a powerful spirit of fire.\ Defeat them and bring it back. So, I need clots of the flame of the death of the worlds, in total 250 pieces.

Gather the Flame of World Doom, 250 pieces. Destroy _monsters in the Tower of Fire_and you will be able to get it.

Symphony of Fire and Storm IV

Need to get:

Flames of World Doom

from monsters:

Turanka Fighter Radiant Priest Radiant Witch Crashed Hydra Radiant Skeleton Knight

They live in Sealed Zone of the Tower of Fire lvl 5.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. A small amount of experience

Thank you! In gratitude for completing my task, I will reward you Please accept this modest gift.\ I hope it will be of use to you. And now I will return to my study of fire and storm .\ Sooner or later I will find a clue.

Last updated