Boss Souls

Alternative way to summon Bosses

Since there are fierce battles for Bosses in the game, an alternative way to summon Bosses has been added to the game.

With a certain probability, from the chest of conquest (given for participation in the Guild Battle) you can get one of the following Boss souls:

Soul of Ataraxia Soul of Jupiter's Evil Thoughts Soul of Captain of the Knights of Rarka Soul of Thanatos Soul of Commander Baalbek Soul of the Wyvern Rider Soul of Meteos Guardian

Soul of the Bloody Rark Soul of the Bloody Thanatos Soul of the Continent Ruler Soul of the Strong Poison Keeper Soul of the Ocean Conqueror Soul of the Fire Tyrant

Each soul contains 1 Boss.

You can summon a soul by double-clicking LMB in almost all zones except cities.

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