<Служитель Юпитера> Angelica

location: Jupiter Dungeon lvl. 1

Previously, this dungeon was filled with the energy of Jupiter. But now I feel the presence of evil forces in it...

Are you interested in the mysterious energy? Let me introduce myself.\ I am a servant of Jupiter Angelica. On the way here, you must have met Elliot's guardians. Did you get rid of them?

Welcome. Now I can properly greet you.\ It's amazing how easily you dealt with the monsters on your way here! Have you come to learn more about the mysterious energy?

Stage II

Trail of Jupiter II

So you're also interested in mysterious energy? I think that's why this place is filled with distorted creatures.\ Will you help us subdue them?

A long time ago, these monsters were obsessed with finding the energy of Jupiter... I think this thirst has made them mad.\ Kill the eccentric elvins, total 4000 creatures, to put them out of their misery.

Thirsting for Jupiter's energy the eccentric elvins lost their minds. Deal with these monsters to put them out of their misery.

Trail of Jupiter II

It is necessary to destroy 4000 monsters:

Weird Elvin

They live in Jupiter Dungeon at lvl 1.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

  1. A small amount of experience

The number of corrupted creatures has decreased markedly! It happened because of you.\ Please accept this humble gift.

My research is not finished yet. I have one more request for you.

Stage III

Trail of Jupiter III

Once upon a time, these monsters were faithful followers of Jupiter. Alas, over time, they turned into ruthless killers.\ I believe that among them there are still those in whose soul the power of Jupiter lurks.

I have no certainty, only guesses. But if we study the footprints of Jupiter, it will not be difficult to solve this mystery.\ Please get rid of ancient Valkyries! Destroy 4000 creatures and left behind footprints.

Trail of Jupiter III

It is necessary to destroy 4000 monsters:

ancient valkyrie

They live in Jupiter Dungeon at lvl 1.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

Have you studied ancient Valkyries? Finally, we will be able to understand if traces of Jupiter are hidden in their souls...

It is known that servants of god are marked with a mysterious seal... traces of Jupiter in their hearts. To be sure of this, get me these traces of Jupiter. 200 pieces will be enough.

Stage IV

Trail of Jupiter IV

It was only thanks to your help that I was able to find out who possessed the traces of Jupiter. Without a doubt, these are servants of the god! Deal with them and bring me the traces of Jupiter.\ With their help, I can finally study the mysterious power. I need 200 traces of Jupiter.

Trail of Jupiter IV

Need to get:

from monster:

servant of god

They live in Jupiter Dungeon at lvl 1.

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

You have fulfilled my task! These footprints definitely contain the power of Jupiter.\ If I can combine them... We will have the energy of Jupiter in our hands!\ Yes, it certainly is! May the power of Jupiter always be with you!

Last updated