<Капитан стражи> Gilmour

Location: Darklands Village

Oh... Poor Shana. She can't pay the tax.\ Report to the manager.

Taxes are now unbearable. A new manager has appeared in our village...\ And he assigns additional taxes to those who are not respectful enough with him. And if you cannot pay, he evicts you to another village. Well...

Stage VII

Gilmour's request

It seems... He does not like me. He gave me an impossible task!

I have been ordered to destroy Kobold Commander of Kobold Village, Leader of Lizard Men Kuru, of Black Dragon Swamp, Strong Skeleton of King's Tombs and Forest Kurolisk of Church of the Apostles.

Here's the problem...

I do not even hope to complete the task on time ...

Gilmour's request

It is necessary to destroy the leaders (mini-bosses):

Strong Skeleton 1 pc. Kobold Commander 1 pc. Forest Curolisk 1 pc. Kuru 1 pc.

More information about how and where to find them in this -->article<--

For completing this quest, you will receive the following rewards:

Well, thanks. If not for your help, I would never have been able to escape the steward's wrath. Now there is time.... Now I will do my best to find out the details about the manager and how to deal with him! Great glory awaits you!

Last updated